[DAY 24-26] I Built A Todo App, Decimal To Binary Converter, & Player Filter

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog where I document the things I learned in web development. I do this because it helps retain the information and concepts as it is some sort of an active recall.

On days 24-26, I built a to-do app, a program that converts decimal numbers to binary, and a program that can filter elements, in my case, football players. Because of these projects, I was able to learn modern Javascript methods, utilize localStorage property, and recursion where a function calls itself.

9 things I did to practice my coding skills:

  1. Building a data structure by assigning an empty object to a variable.

  2. Destructuring assignment syntax to refactor code in building an app that can filter elements (football players).

  3. Worked with more ternary operators, template literals, and switch case statements.

  4. Finally determined that the parameter is just a placeholder for the current element being processed in the array (lol about damn time).

  5. Learned how localStorage works, a web storage feature of JavaScript that lets you persist data by storing it as a key:value pair. So the data can be saved in the initial session and will be there for future sessions.

  6. Learned how to open and close the forms in building a to-do app using the .toggle() method.

  7. Using the .preventDefault() method on an event to prevent a browser from refreshing the page after pressing the submit button

  8. Utilizing the parseInt() function to convert a string to a number in Javascript because inputted values in HTML are returned as string.

  9. Call stack is a LIFO (last in, first out) data structure where top of the stack is at the end while bottom of the stack is at the beginning. Also, functions called go to the end while functions returned get removed from the end.

These projects improved my JavaScript skills and made me realize its versatility in giving functions to a website. Each one gave me practical insights and sharpened my problem-solving abilities, pushing me further into web development.

Anyways, that’s all for now, thank you for reading. I’ll see you all next blog!