[DAY 21-23] I Built A Palindrome Checker, Music Player, & Date Formatter

Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog where I document the things I learned in web development. I do this because it helps retain the information and concepts as it is some sort of an active recall.

On days 21-23, I built a palindrome checker, a music player, and a date formatter to learn basic string, array methods, date objects, and to complete part 1 of the Data Structures & Algorithms certification project.

4 things I learned:

  1. Using a spread syntax (e.g. …arrayName) to call an entire array.

  2. To use arrow function/callback function (e.g. const variableName = (parameter) => {logic;} or ()=>{})

  3. Chaining multiple methods together (e.g. variableName.method1().method2().method3());

  4. Optional chaining to prevent errors when accessing nested properties that might be null or undefined. (e.g. arrayName?.array[])

I finished part 1 of the Data Structures & Algorithms certification project. Because of that, I was finally able to connect together the concepts of variables, linking DOM elements, functions, and if-else statements. It’s so freaking good to feel a sense of progress by understanding the syntaxes I used in building the palindrome checker.

However, I feel like I need more time and practice with freecodecamp’s coding challenges and keep moving forward with the course. You know what they say, more practice leads to more experience and more experience = more learnings.

Anyways, that’s all for now, thank you for reading. I’ll see you all next blog!